söndag 10 juni 2007

The Swedish ship Götheborg...

Watched a TV-program yesterday about the ship Götheborg (Gothenburg). See here. And here. The history about the ship here. In the program it was a 10-year old boy Jakob Steffenberg who had sailed with the ship from London to Gothenburg now.

An ancestor to him with the same name, and also a small boy, had sneaked on board on the ship when it should leave Gothenburg for a trip round the world 1743, and had had to follow the ship round the world... A trip that took more than two years I think. How was this for such a small boy? With probably no women... In such a manly milieu? Hard...

Now more then 10 generations (12 generations in fact?) after the boy of today, the formers namesake and relative, did the last short bit of this trip with the copy of the former ship Götheborg...

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