lördag 9 juni 2007

Inget är heligt/nothing is holy...

Nej, inget är heligt!! Man måste göra allt för att synas!! Precis som Anja skrev idag! (Klicka på original post).

Och miljön, ja... Redan Benjamin Hoff skrev om detta i "Tao enligt Puh"!! Om vad "Tiger "åstadkommer i världen...
No, nothing is holy! One has to do all one can to be seen!! Just as Anja wrote today!!

And the pollution of the environment, yes... Benjamin Hoff wrote about this already in the book "The Tao of Pooh", about what Tiger-people cause in the world...

And this book came already 1982!!??

See also Bob Scharf's "Reality-TV"... Another view on this topic!? I think...

You really have to scream to be heard, or? See Bob's comment on this topic... The results of not being heard... Not really having a voice...

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