torsdag 2 augusti 2007

Om förskrivning av sömnmedel/on presciptions of sleeping drugs...

I lokaltidningen "Ljusnan" fanns en artikel idag på sista sidan "Fler sömntabletter en varningsklocka för läkare". Chefsläkaren för primärvården kommenterar den 15 procentigt ökade användningen över en femårsperiod så här:
"Det är en varningsklocka".
Han tycker inte att primärvården har tillräckliga resurser för att ta hand om just patienternas sömn- eller stressproblem i stort.
"Stressproblemen är något man borde ta på största allvar och vidta krafttag emot."
Han och hans kolleger har sett att användningen av sömnmedel har ökat och menar att det hänger samman med människors större problem med stress.

En läkare i Gävle menar att receptblocket ofta kommer fram alltför fort. Och det är patienterna som önskar få sömnmedel utskrivna, för sömnen är så viktig för oss alla.

Men istället för sömnmedel skulle annan hjälp behövas menar de. Sömnmedel kan dock behövas under en övergångsperiod, för att t.ex. hitta tillbaka till ett bra sömnmönster igen.

Arbetarbladet i Gävle har visst en artikelserie om stressproblem.

I Aftonbladet fanns också en liten notis idag om ökningen av anorexi bland tonårsflickor (fler och fler killar/män visar liknande tendenser tycker jag mig se).

Alice Miller har skrivit om anorexi i sin bok "The Body Never Lies" i kapitlet "Anita Finks dagbok" (om jag minns rätt). Hon tror att dessa problem bottnar i upplevelser allra tidigast i livet.

Terapeuter verkar inte alltid vilja erkänna detta verkar det... (undertryckt ilska och stor ironi bakom detta konstaterande). Jag tycker mig ha sett det på närmre håll, bland mina så kallade avnämare...
In a local newspaper there was an article today about the use of sleeping-drugs, which has increased with 15 % the last five years in this area (probably similar tendencies in the rest of the country more or less?). A chief-physician said that the primary health care hasn't the resources to deal with the underlying problems/causes resulting in these sleeping problems; problems such as stress. Problems one ought to take really seriously and make powerful measures against.

To prescribe pills is also easier!?? But other sorts of help would be better, and ought to be done instead. Would give longterm results!? Pills are only temporary solutions. And I think cognitive therapy also is a temporary solution. But a little löess temporary than pills?

See Bosch on burn-out and the case descriptions from the PRI-site in this blogpost (all were exhausted?). Here the blogpost.

I wonder if the stress hasn't reasons, even on a psychological level. And has to do with our early lives... Experiences there. Experiences many of us have. Many strive so hard to be good enough?

And in a small article in another paper it stood about incerasing anorexia-problems among young teenage girls too. I think even teeage boys and men has tendencies in these directions today too. Think I have met this in my work... Miller has written about this is the chapter "Anita Finks doary" in her book "The Body Nerver Lies" if I remember right here without that book. I.e. that these problems have roots earliest in life. Which not even so called experts seems to be aware of... But I think it is so (as the one I am, non-authoritative!?).

The other side of the coin is over-weight...

I am blogging on a portable computer where I can't connect a mouse, so I feel handicapped really!! I can't use my own computer here, because we couldn't down-load the program on it... Oh, this is so difficult to explain in English with all technical details and words and expressions (which I have difficult to handle in Swedish)!!! :-) A sort of explanation if my blogposts looks odd!?? :-)

Addition August 9: About the use of pills; see the article “Adverse childhood experiences and prescribed psychotropic medications in adults” from the CDC-site.

We have similar problems here as are described in this article I think!!

They write:

“BACKGROUND: Prescription drugs are one of the fastest growing healthcare costs in the United States. However, the long-term influence of child abuse and related traumatic stressors on prescriptions for psychotropic medications in adults has not been described /../

CONCLUSIONS: The strong relationship of the ACE Score to increased utilization of psychotropic medications underscores the contribution of childhood experience to the burden of adult mental illness. Moreover, the huge economic costs associated with the use of psychotropic medications provide additional incentive to address the high prevalence and consequences of childhood traumatic stressors."

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