lördag 18 augusti 2007

Funeral of Ingmar Bergman...

Today was the funeral of Ingmar Bergman at Fårö...
Swedish Television's site about the funeral, hopefully remaining the same over time...

Addition August 19: The photos are taken from the web: SVT, DN, Svd, Aftonbladet, Expressen... Bergman is now buried at Fårö (not in Stockholm where he was born and also lived). The people at Fårö greatly appreciates this. To them he wasn't the great film-maker but more like one of them it sounds... And the funeral was quite "simple". Only with a cello-solo played by a cellist from the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra Helena Nilsson though (the Saraband from Bach fifth cello suite), two songs which the minister sang and two of the most common hymns *) at funerals here. On Bergman's own wish.

*) Hymn 249 "Blott en dag, ett ögonblick i sänder" and 277 "Så tag nu mina händer".

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