Today was the funeral of Ingmar Bergman at Fårö...
Addition August 19: The photos are taken from the web: SVT, DN, Svd, Aftonbladet, Expressen... Bergman is now buried at Fårö (not in Stockholm where he was born and also lived). The people at Fårö greatly appreciates this. To them he wasn't the great film-maker but more like one of them it sounds... And the funeral was quite "simple". Only with a cello-solo played by a cellist from the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra Helena Nilsson though (the Saraband from Bach fifth cello suite), two songs which the minister sang and two of the most common hymns *) at funerals here. On Bergman's own wish.
*) Hymn 249 "Blott en dag, ett ögonblick i sänder" and 277 "Så tag nu mina händer".
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