torsdag 16 augusti 2007

More about karma (and positive thinking)...

Struck me this morning about a filmmaker here who has written books about choosing gladness... He means that his meetings with other people in adult life that has caused him a lot of trouble, maybe great trouble and where he maybe even has been hurt has been there for him to learn... So he is grateful for what he has experienced.

I also know of a (female) boss (entirely new on her post) who said to one of her employees which confided to her how she had had it with their former boss (the new boss and the emplyee had been colleagues under this former boss), rejectingly, insensitively, cynically and quite arrogantly (she had recently read one of this filmmakers books recently and referred to it):
"Maybe you need to meet such people to learn..."
Yes, this employee needed to learn something? Undoubtedly! But what? Exactly? Did this new boss know exactly what had happened (did she care about it? Did she give a damn about it? Now she had the power to push this woman down! And used it!)? Did she know what this person had been exposed to more specifically? Did she want to hear it? Or was it swept under the rug (has many things been swept under the rug at this workplace? Wondering quite ironically. But that's another topic).

And on top; this boss also had had great problems with this former boss too (at least in the end, before he left this work-place; she was desperate and felt AWFUL), and the one now confiding also thought this would be a relief to the new boss to hear...

You need to be punished, but you are not told specifically for what!!

These ideas are very convenient today (seen generally too, and politically); that there are experiences you need to go through to learn... Cynically, arrogantly... But the power isn't forced to tell anyone for what you are going to be punished, and what exactly that it is wrong...

Can this be power abuse I ask quietly? And isn't this extremely authoritarian - AND totalitarian?? And a lot more...

And by the way, something struck me, now something quite personal, that I have changed enormously!!! From being a person that didn't express what she thought, saw, felt, understood, to one that does... Does much more...

PS. Och här ett tips om vilka uttryck nymoralismen kan ta: kristenfundamentalist i Norge... Ett upprop (som man kan skriva på. Men jag skulle aldrig skriva på något dylikt) om att Barnombudsmannen i Norge bör anpassa sig till BIBELN (jag är övertygad om att Kristus och Gud tycker detta är bedrövligt - om de existerar!! Och allt annat än människokärlek. Rigid bibeltolkning, fundamentalism...)... Skrämmande... Och här initiativtagarens hemsida. Men denna person är extrem?

Förresten var det någon som i en blogg myntade begreppet "nybrutalism" om fenomen idag!!
We are seeing neomoralism and neobrutalism in society... Where you shall think positively and believe that everything you are exposed to has something to teach you!!! Ideas that are really convenient for politicians all over the world today it seems and feels!!?? Milton Friedman-ideas are forced upon us how much harm they even do to people and societies, because the theories and ideas always comes in first hand whatever the results even tell the economists (but they don't hear the reality even if it shouts at them)!! See Procrustes bed. And John Berger's essay...
Could you talk about cynicism too?

What they do is "for our own good"!!! We should be extremely grateful!!

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