tisdag 9 oktober 2007

Artikel: hjälp till självdestruktion...

Kolla denna norska artikel... Kommer att tänka på Kirkengen här, om reviktimisering av människor. Rötterna till inhumanitet är vilka? Jag har mina idéer...

Se tillägg idag i föregående blogginlägg... Såg nu en etikett jag använt "being manly", om män och känslor...

PS. kommer att tänka på det som ansetts (och fortfarande anses) vara manligt, om förakt för svaghet (dvs. känslor), om alexitymi och avsaknad av känslospråk och dettas koppling till hjärtkärlsjukdom, om diagnoser och att diagnosticera och vådorna av det (där man inte vill höra en/den underliggande historien och på det sättet reviktimiserar klienten; i en massa olika sammanhang; i rehabilitering, sjukvård, rättsväsendet osv.: se Kirkengens inledning av hennes bok "How Abused Children Becomes Unhealthy Adults"-länken), samt den där käpphästen att inte säga hur andra är (vilket kan handla mer om en själv och vara ett slags diagnosticerande!!)... Eller i vart fall vara uppmärksam på detta fenomen...

Jag tänker också på vilka som är benägna att uppsöka terapeut och vilka som inte är det... Jenson och Bosch skriver om detta (att falskmaktorienterade tenderar att vara mindre benägna och ofta inte alls benägna)...

Kirkengens inledning:
"I address this book about how personal integrity violations lead to illness to my colleagues who practice, do research, teach and write within the field of general and specialized medicine. I also address researchers and clinicians within health-related professions, such as nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists, midwives, pediatric nurses, and consultants in ergonomics. Furthermore, I address all professionals working with children, such as teachers, child care consultants, speech therapists, social workers, and special education teachers. I wish, moreover, to reach those in the legal professions. This includes the police because lawyers, judges and police personnel come in contact with people, old and young, who are being hurt or have been hurt in the past by other people's lack of respect for their personal integrity.

I also address politicians and lawmakers since they are in a position to translate knowledge regarding boundary violation into viable initiatives and laws. The initiatives must have as their goal the prevention of humiliation, violation, injury or abuse, particularly of people who are young and dependent. They must also aim to insure that all people, regardless of where they are or where they go, can trust that they will be valued and treated with respect. Laws must have as their aim that all people, especially those who are small and dependent, who have already been humiliated, violated, injured or abused receive the help they need, and in abundance. They must also aim to insure that all people who have been treated with disrespect or contempt can regain their sense of self-worth and self-respect.

First and foremost, however, I address this work to students within medicine and other health professions. My declared aim here is to point out in what ways a dualistic view of the human being and his body is untenable, how it leads both to a dualistic health system, one somatic and the other psychiatric, and to a dualistic conceptual world, divided into one classification system for somatic illnesses and another for mental illnesses. Medicine and related fields of study rest on this divided and dividing knowledge and students are trained to think those terms. I beg students not to allow this way of thinking to wipe out what they know about themselves, and, consequently, about other people as well: that they are unique individuals with mindful bodies.

In the hope that this book may also reach people outside the medical professions, I have chosen to use everyday language. Issues of integrity and violation are, in fact, themes all people share. We are all vulnerable, not just a few of us. In addition to our being mortal, what human beings have in common is the fact that we can all be humiliated."


Helle Klein om att ”Livet är en deadline”, om höghastighetssamhället och

”...den narcissistiska kulturens fara för journalistiken med mera.”

A Swedish journalist and leader-writer about the high-speed-society and

“…the dangers/risks for journalism in the narcissistic culture…”

Yes, stressed people are at risk of being less sensitive to others – and/or themselves… We make ourselves, and others, objects instead of subjects?? But what is underlying? What are we actually trying to achieve? Why are we living on this earth? What is the meaning with this whole?

See Bosch "et al" about burn-out...

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