söndag 9 september 2007

Olle Persson, baritone...

I want to tip about the Swedish baritone Olle Persson. And a masterclass he held the summer 2005 at the Schymberggården near Sundsvall in the middle of Sweden, I think this can be interesting even to those which isn't working with music!!? I joined a masterclass with him and the Swedish pianist and professor Matti Hirvonen the summer 2000.

Olle Persson is married to the singer Lena Willemark.

Hirvonen and I seem to have visited the same master class the fall 1981 (or -82?) in Oslo with the pianist Albert Ferber, a Swiss pianist working at Guildhall in London, which was born 1911 and died 1987. He had been pupil to Rachmaninov and Cortot.

I also visited a masterclass with the pianist and pedagogue Adéle Marcus, which was teacher at Juilliard School of Music in New York, in Tromsö the north of Norway, midsummer 1982 - watch a very beautiful town, near the Golf-stream, so I think the winters aren't very cold despite the town lies so long north!!!

We walked over the bridge on the photo a night round midnight when the sun was still up. And I and a Norwegian girl lived in a cottage or cabin at a camping ground lying to the right (seen from the south) near the south end of the bridge!! Can it be this one?? One night there was a lot of noise in the cabin next to ours, which was a bit scary, because the lock to the door and the walls seemed weak!! They had a party near us and started to shout and quarrel?? :-)

And the summer 1982 I visited a master class in Stockholm with the Czech pianist Radoslav Kvapil
. Started to remember here...

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