lördag 26 maj 2007

Tung kritik mot regeringen...

Regeringen får tung kritik angående sättet att handskas med utförsäljningen av sex av våra statliga bolag. Om detta stod på Oppositionen.se, samt idag också i DD samt Aftonbladet.

Och regeringen får icke godkänt i Aftonbladets ledare för sin skolpolitik. Betyg hör inte hemma i ettan...


About politics here. We got a new government in September 2006. A government which I am not especially fond of... I don't like much of its politics, if not said hardly anything of it... To be honest. I like neither their view on man (människosyn) nor their view on society (samhällssyn)... And I can't understand, to be honest, how people can vote for a politic like this...

As the very spontaneous and hot feeling as I am, passionately reacting!! Hmmm... :-)

Some media are critical too, but much of our media today is more liberal or right-oriented... I have difficulties with this egoistic stance...

You can even say I dislike this policy... From deep in my heart and soul!!

But my interest for politics has come the last 15 years, not more... Before that I was too occupied with other things and mush less aware and even maybe less mature!? (perhaps I shall not say I am more today!? :-)).

Now no more blog-posts for today... Phew! I am a bit too diligent!???


Tillägg 30 maj: "Odells slarv" ur Västerbottens folkblad. Och "Ledare onsdag 30 maj Följ spelreglerna!"


Ytterligare tilläg 1 juni: Så blir staten litet dummare – ledare av Göran Greider.

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