tisdag 3 juli 2007


I en kommentar till artikeltips 25 juni fanns ett länktips.
Om psykiatrins makt! Tackar! :-)
Addition July 4:
The linked article above was a reply or a comment to a former article from a man which lost his wife and only child in suicide, see earlier blogpost. Here my summary of what stood in the article that was tipped about:

Psychiatry as a burden and the psychiatry’s power of definition. What the man experienced was a proper therapeutically violation and therapeutically abuse, through being diagnosed and being sick-made by what he calls normal mourning reactions, and the commenter mean that the man which was badly met after his wife’s and child’s suicides calls it by its right name: psychiatry’s power of definition over what he showed and his reaction on these two events. He needed help acutely, because he reacted so strongly.

The writer of the article means that psychiatry has shown lacking ability to evaluate its praxis and learn from wrong doings they have made, it seems as they are lacking self-understanding and little sense for that failures actually can be done.

On a seminar in the Norwegian “storting” they spoke about human rights in psychiatric treatment, where many organizations raised demands about a change in this respect by politicians.

Doesn’t it mean anything that people in psychic crisis instead of help meets (new) violations and new abuse he wondered?

Yes, I think again about what Kirkengen call medical making of patients. Which she thinks occurs both in somatic medicine and in psychiatry, because many don’t want to listen to what their patients have to say… Or what their bodies are telling. What story the body is telling.

(i.e., aren’t people in psychiatric care entitled to be met with human rights and dignity too? Are they easily met with disrespect and even contempt for their “weakness”? As many with diffuse symptoms, which are called somatizers in somatic medicine? But when physicians like Kirkengen, Getz and the ones in the ACE-study digs deeper in their patients stories they find things in their early history, adverse childhood experiences, which results in illness even five decades later).

To something else, or a continuation of an earlier blogpost, about “a mother”:
More high thinking…

More feelings and thinking triggered… Maybe this could be about me?

Punishing herself with not taking real care of herself… Sacrificing herself for her children, having done that all their lives (why? For whom? For her? For them? Or for someone else’s sake? For a reward if not now so later, maybe in heaven? To avoid the hell? What about the life here and now? The relations here and now?).

But what do children in fact need?? Who shall and can define that? Have the children no say in this? What about listening to them? What about developing sensitivity for them? Or when they are now grown up develop sensitivity for oneself? Because all grown up have the same possibilities… To get to know, to search for information etc. To take responsibility for oneself. If one wants, all have that possibility…

All have that responsibility. All are entitled to the same understanding, the same demands, the same rights and duties… The same respect, to be listened to etc.

Showing an enormous energy, working really hard. The false hope lasts long??? Fuelling an enormous capacity?? For many years? Even decades?? But sooner or less this will “take out its right”!? Sooner or less this false hope will crumble? Or even crash? If not in a depression so in illness of some kind. And see once again what Bosch has written about burn-out.

You can’t go on working like this high up in ages, of very natural reasons if nothing else: your body gets older, and if you have stretched it too… The system exhausted… (see those blogposts). Or got used to be able to go on in a certain way… You maybe have problems to accept how it is, possibly if you have been very clever???

And if you can’t live up to these extremely high standards, then you are afraid of never getting that love (that love you didn’t get then, the love a child had the right to, but didn’t get. If he/she had got it more he/she wouldn’t have the problems he/she has, perhaps at all or much smaller. But there are probably other sorts of love; grown up love, that you miss in your search for something that doesn’t exist and as you can never get afterwards!? The only, but probably not so “only” or easy made, is to grieve this lack, the non-existence of that love then)??

The only way to earn this love is to become better and better and better, that’s how the small child was programmed, this strategy it had to use to at all survive then (or deny his/her needs, which girls also tend to resort to and thus grown up woman suffer from if they haven’t processed earl things)?? If I haven’t succeeded yet it’s still a possibility to get love and attention and my unmet needs fulfilled if I work a little bit more, and if I don’t get it then a little bit more etc.

Or at least to retain this high capacity, then you MUST be seen, sometimes?? If you have really sacrificed yourself and lived totally for others (your kids in first hand), then you MUST get the reward sometimes!!! Or? If you have succeeded to become the mot un-egoistical of the un-egoistical!! Then!!! And who needs a totally un-egoistical person? If a grown up has this need is it rather a sign hat this person didn’t get her/his needs filled early? Because the only one that really need un-selfishness is a small child?? If the small child gets what he/she need he/she won’t develop to a grown up needing unselfishness??

The primary defence puts in now more easily than before: blaming yourself for not being more successful, for being bad, useless, a failure etc.?? The defences become weaker too with age? You can’t hold things away as easily? When there is less around distracting too, as when you are out in the active life: working etc.?

But it is never too late to change…

There are things it should be much more open talk about in society!!?? Of benefit for us all! What are we protecting and for what purpose? Actually? Can someone give me a good answer on this?? I wonder…

Why is the ACE-study not known more? Why not Kirkengen’s findings? Or Pincus’? And there are probably more than they, which I don’t know of…

I wonder if I am going to write about blaming oneself, and thus about guilt feelings, in a later blogpost.

Tillägg 5 juli: se artikeltips här.

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