I am spending the holiday in Östersund. This was suddenly decided yesterday. My youngest sister lives here. We drove here yesterday by car on winter-roads (see pictures below). But I am traveling back south by train.
As I am very interested in history we tried to find out if the open-air museum Jamtli is open today on New Years Eve. But it isn’t unfortunately. But above the link to this museum. and to the permanent exhibitions, about the Sámi culture, the Vikings, Hunter-gatherers etc.
About Jamtli at Wikipedia. The creation of Jamtli was inspired by Maihaugen in Norway (a place I didn't know until now googling about it).
At the isle Frösön in the lake Storsjön the Swedish composer Wilhelm Peterson-Berger lived in a house he called Sommarhagen.
Here about the Wilhelm Peterson-Berger institute (which I didn't know existed). Peterson-Berger has written several piano-pieces (national-romatic!!) of which "Sommarsång" ("Summer-song") is fairly well-known here. In note-books called "Frösöblomster". Wagner was an inspirer for Peterson-Berger...
Peterson-Bergers "Sommarhagen" is inspired by viking's houses, in the national-romatic style here then. As Anders Zorn's home in Mora and also as Carl Larsson's studio in Sundborn. I have visited all these places (even the private parts of Carl Larsson's home as I played paino-trio with one of his grand-children and her husband). All these artists lived at almost the same time.
None of these men were easy to live with I think... Peterson-Berger was never married.

PS. Kolla Ett hjärta RÖTTS sammanfattning av det gångna året!!
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