From the Swedish film based on the child-book "Ronia, The Robber's Daughter" by Astrid Lindgren. On the photo: Hanna Zetterberg Struwe, Ronia in the film, and Dan Håfström, Birk in the film. Click on the picture to go to Astrid Lindgren site.
Om mig och denna blogg...
Jag använder denna blogg för att försöka förstå fenomen i samhället som jag reagerar på och jag vill också ibland bara dela saker jag läser. Jag jobbar heltid, så min tid att skriva är begränsad, även om det kanske inte verkar så. Det jag skriver här är mitt höga, och förhoppningsvis personliga, tänkande och funderande utifrån det jag läser och känner.
From the openair museum illustrating the early prehistory of Lapland; the Stone Age - very interesting, or?? I was very interested however, tiringly interested in some person's eyes?? :-) A cousin and his little son. Another one of my favorites. Click on the picture to get more information.
I was born in Umeå in Västerbotten, Sweden, and moved during childhood stepwise to Skåne in the south, and at last back to just below the middle of Sweden where I still live.
I am educated both as piano-pedagogue and church-musician and have a full time employment as piano-pedagogue. Church-music is side work.
I am interested in a lot of things and will blog about things I read, psychology, society, history, nature, my work too hopefully, and my everyday life… And both in Swedish and English.
Not yet painted and not with a lot of firewoods lying behind it... No snow, strange... This is below the middle of Sweden. This house was built 1980-81.
The cottage where mom lives, april 2007. The houses and yard are surrounded by woods on two sides. Walking round the corner you are out right into the nature, almost! Nice! The nature-loving Swedes you know... One of my uncles has constructed this cottage. It was built 1977 I think.
I work fulltime. In a fulltime employment we have 67 pupils each week. But if we do other things the amount is reduced. I feel if it shall be fun to play myself I need to play at least 3 hours per day. Then my fingers obey and I can express things better… So I guess you can’t say I am working little. My writing is for myself in first hand; to process and express things. And here I can collect things for myself like in a library. But if people find this blog I would like to share what I read, media I have access to, as for instance teachers papers and pedagogical magazines, how the discussions are in them as the issue school and pedagogy is so big here, and of course I would also like to share music I like and find interesting and think has something to express…
A museum…
Click on the picture to go to the slideshow. Pictures are taken with my cell (mobile) phone camera.
Even more about me
I grew up in the middle-class as the oldest of six siblings coming very close. My dad was educated agronomist and worked as headmaster for agricultural schools the last 25 years of his work-life. And we grew up on agricultural schools. My mom is educated as nurse. Two of my siblings have walked in our dad's path and work as agronomists, the fourth sibling is engineer (college), the fifth occupational therapist (something with which she doesn't work as now) and the youngest is educated from school for Social workers and has a teachers education too.
My political compass
Click on the picture to get to the site where you get your political compass.
Where Sweden is located in Europe, and the world. Click on the picture to go to the official gateway to Sweden.
tisdag 3 november 2009
Effekterna av olika barnuppfostringstekniker (inte minst av barnmisshandel) på samhälle, politik och politiker…
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