Tillbaka från en cykeltur. Redan väldigt varmt ute. Ännu en varm dag. I affären, vilken jag tog en sväng förbi för att posta tre CD:ar med kort till två systrar och en morbror, ringde min yngste bror.
Han hade kollat upp tekniska data på datorn jag köpt och trodde inte jag betalat ett överpris - vad skönt! Jag köpte den utifrån beskrivningen på Dells hemsida, efter vad jag vill använda den till...
Nu sommarlunch här! Med jordgubbar till efterrätt... Ja, det är verkligen ganska varmt!! Både för mig och datorn!!
Now back from a bike ride. Took the way by the supermarket, sending the CDs with photos to two sisters and an uncle... My youngest brother phoned me in the store.
He had checked the technical data on the computer I have bought and compared with the one in his brochure... He didn't think I had given too much for it!! He thought it was a lot of "extras" in the one I had bought. Thank god! I chose one that sounded what I would like to have my computer for...
Now a summer lunch, with strawberries after...
Out on my tour I met a couple, actually also working with music (and actually two Hagegårds)… They were on their way to town and I was cycling out from it… I cycled further a bit and then turned back home. After a while I had caught them up and had to say some words… I didn’t feel in the mood really for being social, a bit shy…
Yes, I guess I have a fairly good state physically (with a sigh, I’m so extremely clever!!)… For my age… My soon 48 year old brother (the youngest of two) was tested by the health care at his work recently… He had a very good state. No wonder our ancestors got so old… Is there something genetically after all? But it doesn’t matter with good genes if you behave destructively I guess… So this is no insurance…
And I asked this couple about their two oldest children… One of them had studied at Ultuna, the agricultural college in
I work with music, the ones that come after me are educated agronomists, the fourth is engineer (college), the fifth occupational therapist, the sixth and youngest is graduated from school of social studies…
Anna-Karin, the woman in the couple, asked if I could have thought of doing something else than working with music, something agricultural… “Yes”, I replied, “I certainly could have!” Yes, I am interested in this too… Actually got a place at the engineer program at college once… And at the biology program… And architecture program…
But that’s the strange thing, seen to how I am now, I didn’t work hard at all at the gymnasium… Actually I wonder how, in what way, I went this education through… On a “banana shell” it feels!
But I guess I also have a lot of artistic interests, and maybe they are even stronger than any other interest???
When you are so many siblings and coming so close on top, it’s easier to hide in the crowd!?? But as the oldest you maybe have the light on you a little more? More demands and pressure? And you have to get big early… Even very big although you are very small.
The youngest has in a way more light on her/him too, but in another way? And the youngest have to take all what the oldest have lost? She/he has to fulfill her older siblings needs? And the ones in the midst gets invisible on good and bad?? But even if you have a lot of light and attention on you you can be invisible and not seen... Have to live even more in a lie that you are seen and given attention??? I don't know... So maybe you live more in Denial? And when confronted with the truth, then...
You both shall be seen and not! Both be hum, be and not hide one's light under the bushel... Very contradictory!? And what can that cause? Are you allowed to be the one you really are??
Does this child have to fulfill her/his parents needs even more than the other kids? And this started very early: when I had two smaller siblings already at three... Or three when I was five... Four at seven and started school (which we did when I was small)... I have come to realize when I have seen small kids around - that a three, five or even seven year old child is fairly small!!! Actually has needs to sit in a grown ups lap etc. Needs help with this and that...
Was the oldest allowed to see or realize this? Less than the younger was? And what did this mean?
And none of us are a go-getter (streber in Swedish)… With a wish for a big career (if that has ever been in reach??)… Maybe on the contrary? Satisfied with the little? Yes, I certainly am. I think.
Why? Does this sound strange?
It is called the Forslunda gymnasium today. Actually not so many pictures of it and the houses there. And this site was in Swedish entirely, but the links show maps etc. I lived in the house
numbered as 7. History of this place on this site.There stood some years... And a photo/picture...
We skied to the Hamptjärnsstugan (Hamptjärn-cottage) when my youngest brother P Å wasn't one year yet... I was then 6, my oldest brother 5 and oldest sister not yet 3... Fairly small children in all snow... PÅ drawn in a reindeer (Lapland) sleigh by dad I think. He started to scream! And screamed and screamed so he got red in his face... Round, red, shiny cheeks... There are pictures from this cottage and us, me sitting screwing up my eyes in the sun, looking worried and disturbed by this screaming small brother... No, it wasn't fun!? And the other small siblings struggling in the snow with their skis and ski poles... We could have lost all interests for skiing by
Överkalix – the Municipality mom comes from and where I spent all summers from I was born. “The land of the Midnight Sun”!! Web-Camera over Överkalix, updated each 10 minute.
Boats lying at the shores of the river Kalix-älven with Tallvik - the place where my grand-parents lived - in the back-ground. Taken in August 2006. In this river we bathed when we grew up...
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